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Foliage Interactif
In Jivana we have a lot of vegetation so we wanted the player to interact with it.
To make the foliage move when the player walk on it, I replace the foliage instance by a a physical assets and when the player is too far is re-swap the instance so i don't have too much physics at hte same time.
To detect the differents instance I use raycast
Here is how the foliage is remplaced by the physcial asset ( I could use pooling to make the system more optimized)
All the logic for the Foliage system is call with this event so in order to optimized a bit i dont call it each frame
Because we have a lot of vegetation it is important that it don't mask player's actions so I also made a function which link modify the opacity a the vegation if it's between the camera and the player
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