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Plants Growth
In Jivana, the main character has the ability to make the plant grow, these plants are level design elements
We have 2 types of gameplay plants in Jivana but the system was made in order to be able to add more plants if needed.
Each plants can grow in 4 directions, when they grow their "fruit" appear, the fruit manage the specific effect of the plants and the plants manage where the fruit grow.
In "fruit Class" there is another class which is "GGraph" (grow graph) which manage only the graphic aspect of the growth phase.
To manage the selection of the plant's direction I have a "pivot" which is the parent of the others component (it's the only component to rotate in the plants) then to offset the fruit is set by the "target" location.
The functions inside the class are "overidable" in order to change the relative location of the "fruit" for each type of plant.
The plants' specifities are manage inside the "fruit" class.
Inside it there is also the "preview" behaviour. In order to have a flexible system I used a lot of functions which can be overidable. Most of these functions are call in a specific timing during the growing phase of a "plant".Which enable me to toggle some behaviour with precision.
The "fruit" class also has a "growth asset". this class manage everything related to the "graphisme aspect" of the plants while they grow.
So in a "growth asset". I manage the timing of apparition of each mesh. To do so I link the opacity of the plant's meshes to different curves. For the progression of the opacity I use the vertex color that Hugo, an environnement Artist, put on meshes with speedtree.
This technique enable us to tweak and have multiple length on the "plant plateform" we just had to create new curve and modify one parameter inside the "growth asset" ( duration of the growth)
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