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Made with Alexis Jouanneau , Jules-Ismaël Tien , Corentin Castric , Hugo Bonte , Celeste Ebran , André Rizkalah
EFIR is a mobile game , in this game the player embodies EFIR a wind spirit who is travelling a world which is falling apart .
As devellopers on EFIR we want to provide to the player a pure and soothing experience. We get inspiritation on The Flow Theory of Jenova Chen.
Moreover to increase the game lisibility and give to the player great sensation we choose to implement only 1 input on screen others input are on the gyroscope.
Made with Unity
As Feature Programmer :
- I work on Level Design Modules
As Level Designer :
-Create 3 Level with different intention for each one
-Work in order the match The FLow Theory , by creating different paths for different Playstyles .
As VFX artist / Tech Artist :
-Use of LineRenderer and Quad with Shaders to optimize the VFXs
-Make the VFXs quickly understandable in a 3D space
Efir's VFX (gameplay gif capture on mobile)
Line Renderer & Offset Shader
Quad & Displacement Shaders
Cloud Transition
Use of the Sea of Clouds for smooth transition (texture scale down for performance )
Line Renderer & Offset Shader
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